Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Jojo Gallery6 Figure

SKU: 39125 Category:

Guido Mista is a core ally featured in the anime series, JoJo’s Bizzarre Adventure: Golden Wind. Mista is a member of Passione, and by extension Buccoarati’s gang, who follows Giorno and Bucciarati in their mission to protect Trish Una. He is a teenager of average height and medium build. He was uniquely shaped headgear with a diagonal grid pattern and the front shaped like an arrow pointing downward.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Jojo Gallery6 Figure

SKU: 39125 Category:

Guido Mista is a core ally featured in the anime series, JoJo’s Bizzarre Adventure: Golden Wind. Mista is a member of Passione, and by extension Buccoarati’s gang, who follows Giorno and Bucciarati in their mission to protect Trish Una. He is a teenager of average height and medium build. He was uniquely shaped headgear with a diagonal grid pattern and the front shaped like an arrow pointing downward.

Additional information

SKU 39125
Dimensions 3.1 × 9.8 × 5.5 in
Pre-Order No
License Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Released Date 2/28/2019
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 8.3"
UPC 4983164-39125-1
Case Pack 36 pcs