Tinytan Dynamite Figurevol.1(B:Jin)

SKU: 19117 Category:

BTS, also known as the BangTan Boys are releasing their Tiny Tan – Dynamite Figures! Jin is one of the vocalist of the group and known for his visuals.

Tinytan Dynamite Figurevol.1(B:Jin)

SKU: 19117 Category:

BTS, also known as the BangTan Boys are releasing their Tiny Tan – Dynamite Figures! Jin is one of the vocalist of the group and known for his visuals.

Additional information

SKU 19117
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 4.3 in
Pre-Order No
License BTS
Released Date 10/31/2022
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 2"
UPC 4983164-19117-2
Case Pack 60