Tom and Jerry Fluffly Puffy (A:Tom)

SKU: 17762 Category:

Thomas “Tom” Cat is one of the two main characters of the cartoon series, Tom and Jerry. Tom is often noted for being bipedal and high level of intelligence. Always out to try and catch the mouse, Jerry, but is usually outwitted and tastes the bitterness of defeat.

Tom and Jerry Fluffly Puffy (A:Tom)

SKU: 17762 Category:

Thomas “Tom” Cat is one of the two main characters of the cartoon series, Tom and Jerry. Tom is often noted for being bipedal and high level of intelligence. Always out to try and catch the mouse, Jerry, but is usually outwitted and tastes the bitterness of defeat.

Additional information

SKU 17762
Dimensions 4.7 × 3.5 × 7.1 in
Pre-Order No
Released Date 8/31/2021
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 3.5
UPC 4983164-17762-6
Case Pack 36