RWBY - Q posket - Weiss Schnee

SKU: 18240 Category:

Weiss Schnee is one of the supporting protagonists in the RWBY series. She is a Huntress and a former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. A master of Dust, her weapon of choice is her Multi-Action Dust Rapier that she calls Myrtenaster. While her main semblance are her glyphs that she can infuse Dust into, she can also summon avatars of fallen foes.

RWBY - Q posket - Weiss Schnee

SKU: 18240 Category:

Weiss Schnee is one of the supporting protagonists in the RWBY series. She is a Huntress and a former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. A master of Dust, her weapon of choice is her Multi-Action Dust Rapier that she calls Myrtenaster. While her main semblance are her glyphs that she can infuse Dust into, she can also summon avatars of fallen foes.

Additional information

SKU 18240
Dimensions 4.7 × 3.5 × 7.1 in
Pre-Order No
License Qposket
Released Date 12/31/2021
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 5.5"
UPC 4983164-18240-8
Case Pack 36